
    • Naomi Last Horse

      Naomi Last Horse 

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    • John P. Boyle

      John P. Boyle 

      John P. Boyle earned his MA and PhD in Linguistics from the University of Chicago, and has taught linguistics at Northeastern Illinois University.  He specializes in Hidatsa, and has served as Executive Director of the Apsáalooke Language Curriculum Project for the Crow Tribe. He has also served on the Committee on Endangered Languages for the Linguistic Society of America, and as organizer of the annual Siouan-...

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    • Lewis Gebhardt

      Lewis Gebhardt 

      Lewis Gebhardt, with a PhD from Northwestern University in 2009, teaches linguistics at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago and has been involved in language revitalization by working with TLC at the Crow Summer Institute for three years. Among his research interests is the grammar of Crow.

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    • Chris Golston

      Chris Golston 

      Chris Golston studied Philosophy and Classical Languages at UC Berkeley and Linguistics at UCLA (MA, PhD) and is now a professor of Linguistics at California State University Fresno. Among dead languages he specializes in Ancient Greek, Latin, and Hittite; among the living he works with Crow, Hidatsa, and ...

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    • Father Randolph Graczyk

      Father Randolph Graczyk 

      Father Randolph Graczyk is a Capuchin-Franciscan priest currently serving as pastor of St. Charles Parish on the Crow Reservation in Pryor, Montana. He holds a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Chicago and assists with the immersion program at St. Charles. Father Graczyk is fluent in Crow and has published a grammar of the Crow language, a Crow dictionary, and is currently helping with the development of Level 3 Crow language curricular materials.

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